Consult the water supply points. 24/08/2024

🕒 Open from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

ℹ A maximum of 4 bottles per household per week is recommended (26 litres). Each person should bring their own bottles for refilling. It is advisable to recycle the bottles provided by the Council in the delivery.


The next delivery day will be Friday August 23rd at a new location: Camí Abiar street, 2 (old drinks warehouse) from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
From then on, there will be one delivery day per week, every Friday (until further notice), with extended opening hours in the morning and afternoon: from 10: 00am to 1: 00pm and from 5: 00pm to 7: 00pm.


We would like to remind you that tomorrow, Tuesday, August 20, the water bottle drop-off will be repeated in the Market parking lot from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Please note that the collection takes place once a week per apartment, so on Tuesday the delivery will go to those who did not participate last Friday, August 16.

We would also like to point out that the Social Services telephone number (96 649 33 69, extension 8192, Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm) has been set up so that the Civil Protection can take the bottles to the elderly or people with reduced mobility who wish to do so.

You can also go to the tanks set up for self-sufficiency at the CEIP Santa María Magdalena (Avenida de Alicante), at the Municipal Sports Center or at the Civil Protection headquarters in the Cumbre del Sol (by prior appointment at 669793214). It is recommended to reuse the bottles already provided in the different deliveries.

Benitatxell will be distributing water in carboys to its residents from Friday 16/08/24.

The distribution of carafes will begin on Friday 16 August from 10.00 to 13.00 in the market car park. On that day, while stocks last, a total of 3,840 carafes will be handed out to subscribers in the municipality, who must provide their identity card and home address.
The same operation, also with 3,840 carafes, will be carried out on Tuesday 20 August , at the same location from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.

This is the first of the measures taken by the Consistory, although not the only one, as it is negotiating with the concessionaire Hidraqua for the installation of various water tanks in different towns and areas of the municipality to facilitate access for citizens.


When? Friday, 16 or Tuesday, 20 August

What time? From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or while stocks last

Where? In the car park of the market

Remember to bring your ID (DNI, NIE, etc.).

The collected carafes can be reused to refill them with water from the tanks that will be installed as soon as possible by the Hidraqua concession company.

Attention! People with mobility problems or of advanced age can contact the social service at 966493369, which will deliver the bottles directly to their homes.

Please pass this information on to anyone who might find it useful!

We will keep you up to date


Due to the drought situation in the region, the Public Health Centre has classified the WATER AS NOT SUITABLE FOR CONSUMPTION, with restriction of use for drinking, cooking and food preparation, being able to be used for any other use, at its point of supply.
This recommendation will be extended until further notice. For more information, please contact us through our customer service channels.
If you have any questions or doubts, we are here to help you.
HIDRAQUA S.A.U. With you.

Teléfonos: 900 210 100 911 774 090
Whatsapp: 689 624 646

Cala Moraig Chiringuito 25.07.24

Chiringuito Rio Blanc at Cala Moraig turning space is run by Tanya, open 10am to 7pm ( maybe later depending on trade,) Her plan is to be open all year apart from January and February (trade permitting.) Menu attached.
Remember that there is a bus from Benitachell (by the cemetery) to the area by the Chiringuito. It stops at the Lady Elizabeth School where you can park.

Summer driving in Spain 25.07.24

If you drive in flip flops of backless shoes and are stopped by the police you could be fined. The same is true of a driver without a shirt/top.
One source of useful information about driving is, which contains many explanations in English. This website is run by the Spanish police.

Meeting with the mayor and the municipal council on 01 July 2024, 25.07.2024

On 01 July 2024, representatives of AVIB and “una voz para Cumbre (OVFC) met with the mayor and municipal councillors.
Here you can find the minutes of the meeting

Fake gas men try their luck with residents. 19.07.24

We have received reports that fake gasmen are once again trying their luck with residents.
Official gas companies such as Repsol or Cepsa never send inspectors from house to house.

Never let such gas men onto your property or into your house!

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell proposes a different way of enjoying holidays on the Costa Blanca with ‘Tourism for breathing’. 13.07.24

The town has become the first tourist municipality to create its own guided meditations to enhance the value of its territory and promote a different kind of tourism, 100% sustainable and respectful of the environment.
For years, El Poble Nou de Benitatxell has positioned itself through various tourism campaigns as a town of rest, peace and tranquillity as opposed to the overcrowding suffered by other tourist destinations in the area.

Full news: 

In addition to the landing page of, there will also be a “powerful” dissemination through the social networks of Turismo El Poble Nou de Benitatxell.


Facing the lack of rainfall in recent times, we are in a very serious situation at El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. The technical health legislation that regulates the quality of drinking water (RD 3/2023) limits the presence of salts to 200 mg/litre for sodium and 250 mg/litre for chlorides and, at present, and after two years with insufficient precipitation, we are well above these values.

The groundwater aquifers from which our wells collect water are suffering from the intrusion of seawater, as they are not being sufficiently recharged with fresh water, which means that the water in our taps has a higher salt content. It should be noted at this point that the main well from which we obtain our water, the Senija well, currently has a salt content ten times higher than its usual value, and five times higher than its historical value of salt content.

As if this were not enough, the situation is aggravated during the summer season due to the increase in population and demand of water. Our desalination plants do not have the capacity to eliminate the excess salts that we currently have in the wells and, despite the fact that the Teulada – Benitatxell Water Consortium has approved the execution of works amounting to more than three million euros to solve these problems, the works will not be completed until 2025, given their technical complexity.

Regarding the water that we have available in our taps, we must report that it does not present any problem for daily use in personal hygiene and in our homes. As for the use of water for human consumption (drinking, cooking, etc.), the Council is awaiting the analytical results being carried out by Hidraqua, the company responsible for the drinking water service, in order to be able to inform the public if it is necessary to decree limitations on its use. Limitations that, if any, will only be derived from the presence of salts, there being no pathogenic or toxic element for allowed uses.

Noise restrictions July -August 2024 for construction and other works.

Dear Cumbrians,
The Mayor of Benitachell has issued noise restrictions for the parish, specifically for construction and other works.
The noise restrictions start on 1 July and are valid until 31 August 2024 (see attached “Bando” of the municipality in Spanish).

According to this bando, work with a noise level only of a maximum of 90 decibels (measured at a distance of five metres) is allowed from Monday to Friday from 9 am – 3 pm and from 5 pm – 7 pm, i.e. prohibited from 3 pm – 5 pm and from 7 pm – 9 am. These works are not permitted at all on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The noise level mentioned is regularly exceeded by, for example, leaf blowers, hammer drills, angle grinders, drills, etc.

If you feel disturbed by such noise and the noise maker does not comply, you can call the police on telephone 608962567. The police will come and stop the work.

So we wish you a relaxing time on our Cumbre del Sol, especially during the two months of July and August.

And another piece of good news: the free bus shuttle to Cala Moraig is operating again from today until 3 September