Solidarity for those affected by the storms in Valencia affected by DANA: 06/11/24

Dear members,
Your solidarity for Dana’s storm victims in Valencia is exemplary and huge. I am extremely pleased that the social commitment in our association works so well. I think that this idea helps to bring the Spanish population and its foreign guests a little closer together In addition to the €500 approved by the AVIB Board, donations from members totalling €33800 (as at 25.02.2025) have been paid into our account to date.

Dirk coordinates with the local authorities how, when and for what purpose our collected donations are used. He receives a daily list from the responsible coordinator in the municipality of Benitachell showing which items are currently urgently needed. Dirk will buy the goods accordingly and hand them over to the coordination centre for transport to Valencia.

Our previous purchases of goods (food and equipment to the value of €2538.25 have already been handed over to the coordination centre for transport to Valencia. (see attached photos)
I will keep you informed about the next steps. The attached list of donors will be continuously updated to give you an overview of current income and expenditure.

I will keep you informed about the further procedure.
The attached list of donors will be continuously updated so that you have an overview of current income and expenditure.

Once again, a big thank you for your commitment to those in need. For AVIB, this is certainly also a valuable form of public relations work.

With best regards,

Bongo Stauffacher

Short minutes of the monthly meeting from 27.06.2025 01.07.24

Dear members, you can find the short minutes of our monthly meeting in this link

Brief minutes of the monthly meeting of 25/04/2025

Present : 41 AVIB members and 2 representatives of the town hall of Benitachell
Presentation by the mayor and the head of waste management of the municipality of Benitachell
Increase in refuse collection charges
The increase for waste disposal from 2007 to 2023 is 33%
From 2024, the annual fee for houses outside the town centre will increase from €110 to €128.50.
This corresponds to an increase of 18%.
Houses that are rented out fall into the category of commercial properties such as hotels, restaurants or shops and will now pay
shops and now pay € 390!
New waste disposal concept
The enclosed flyer provides an overview of how waste must be disposed of separately in future. You will also find information
and contacts regarding ecoparc opening hours, contact point for the collection service for large items and for general questions.
general questions.
It is planned that the existing waste collection points on the Cumbre will be replaced by 8-9 new, more centralised points with access authorisation.
with access authorisation. The test phase should serve to gather experience and then, if necessary, make corrections.
make corrections if necessary.

The budgeted amount of €700 for civil defence will be used to purchase a suction pump for €650.

Outlook for the 2024/25 office year and our goals presented by Dirk and Bongo
The AVIB brand must be revitalised with a range of new services.
This is the basis for making AVIB attractive to homeowners and tradespeople in Benitachell so that they join the association as active members.
association as an active member.
The Board will draw up a service and communication concept by July 2024.
The following points will be examined:
– Close cooperation with the authorities in Benitachell enables our members to obtain information at
first hand
– Support for members during official visits. Dirk accompanies them to the town hall if they need help
– Low-cost green waste disposal for our members
– Referrals to tradesmen and discounts in shops
– Monthly meetings every two months (fixed on 27.6., 26.09. and 28.11.2024).
The offer of a regular get-together ‘Plauderstündchen’ is also being examined
– Travel offers from 2025: one multi-day trip and 2-3 day trips for members and friends are planned
– Weekly day hikes and/or walks with Thomas Stern from autumn 2024
‘Together we are stronger – and ready for our future’
Thank you for your interest and participation in the monthly meeting, best regards
Dirk and Bongo